Embracing God's Calling: Reflections on a Journey of Purposeful Work

At Work + Go Manchester 2022, Ruth Valerio, Global Advocacy and Influencing Director at Tearfund reflected on her personal work journey, the lessons she has learnt, and the importance of living a life sold out for God.

In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of money and career success often takes centre stage. However, I have come to realize that my work journey has not been defined by financial gains or professional achievements. Rather, it has been a profound exploration of my passion and a response to what I believe God is calling me to do.

The power of purpose over money

Throughout my career, the allure of wealth and climbing the corporate ladder has never been my primary motivation. I acknowledge that money is essential for our livelihoods, and God may bless some individuals with abundance. However, if we are fortunate enough to earn substantial wealth, it is crucial to remember that it is not meant solely for personal gratification. Instead, it is an opportunity to bless others generously. Earning a living is necessary, and I am grateful for the salary I currently receive, but my focus remains on working out the calling God has placed on my life.

Pursuing excellence in our careers

There is nothing wrong with aspiring to excel in our chosen careers. Striving for excellence and aiming to be the best version of ourselves in our professional pursuits is commendable. Achieving career success can be a blessing from God, and we should praise him for it. However, I find more significance in the calling that God has placed upon me and the life I desire to lead than in climbing the career ladder. At its heart, being a Christian is about living a life sold out to God. It’s not about work here, church on Sundays and family there. It’s living out the calling God has given us in all the different areas of our lives.

A holistic approach to work and faith

As a Christian, I firmly believe that our faith is not confined to a specific place or activity, such as church attendance. Instead, it encompasses every aspect of our lives. Living a life sold out to God means embracing his calling in all areas, including our families, our finances, and, indeed, our working lives. Since we spend a significant portion of our time at work, it would be peculiar to consider it as being separate from our faith. My approach to work is rooted in a clear biblical foundation, understanding the holistic gospel message, and recognising that God has called us to live out the good news of Jesus Christ, which focuses on restoring relationships. As I reflect upon my work journey, I have come to realise that true fulfilment lies in aligning my passion and purpose with God's calling.

To find out more on the Work+ Go podcast

Hear more from Ruth on the Work + Go podcast, where she shares further about the opportunities, she has had to live out her faith throughout her career. Ruth is a Global Advocacy and Influencing Director for Tearfund and has a vision to inspire and equip Christians to a whole-life response to poverty, helping build a movement that brings about lasting change on the issues that impact the poorest and most vulnerable.


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Tim Yearsley

Tim leads LICC’s engagement with 18s-30s across the UK, working from his home base of sunny Nottingham. He’s enthusiastic about helping Christians live authentic lives of faith in this culture. In his spare time he plays in a metal band and enjoys international film, running, and being told that he’s pretentious by his wife.


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