The world needs what you have: take a global job

Hear from Jonathan Thiessen, co-founder of Scatter Global, as he challenges us to consider the marketplace opportunities and kingdom impact Christians can have in communities and workplaces around the globe.

Imagine this: The church is experiencing explosive growth across the globe. Followers of Jesus in cities and neighbourhoods are living out the gospel, deeply rooted in communities and workplaces where few have previously experienced or heard the Good News. Could this lead to vibrant, kingdom expressions of life and faith within reach of every person on the planet?

This is the future we dream of and we’re actively praying for.

A sobering reality

Today’s reality, however, is more sobering. When many modern mission agencies were founded in the mid 20th century, their leaders spoke about 1.6 billion who would live and die without hearing the gospel once. Today, according to the Joshua Project, a research initiative highlighting the ethnic people groups with the fewest followers of Jesus, we are facing a staggering 3.14 billion people who have very few opportunities to hear the hope of Christ. And that number is growing by 57,000 people every day (CSGC - Gordon-Conwell University).

One of the most telling statistics, reported by Lausanne, is that observing the life of a Jesus-follower is the primary reason a person decides to follow Christ. And yet, 86% of Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists worldwide do not know a Christian, and likely never will. This demonstrates to us, that most mission efforts operate on the fringes of society. We are not in the neighbourhoods, the workplaces, or the communities where most people live.

Reimaging kingdom witness

So, how might we reimagine authentic kingdom presence as leaders of cities and governments become increasingly sceptical of anything resembling traditional missionary activity?

Rather than seeing this as a threat to God’s mission in the world, we believe it represents one of the greatest opportunities in modern history!

According to ManPower Group’s Talent Shortage Survey more employers than ever are struggling to fill open jobs — 75% globally (2022 survey). Employers report a talent gap; they can't find the skills they need. These numbers are up from 40% in 2016 and are currently reporting the highest in over a decade.

Many of these companies represent developing countries, or areas of the world where many of those with the fewest opportunities to hear of Jesus live and work. We don’t believe this is a coincidence. Places like the Arabian Peninsula that have been closed to any Christian influence for 1300 years are opening their doors for many to live and work across every sector of society.

What might the world look like if we saw, in our generation, a mass movement of Jesus-followers being salt and light in everyday neighbourhoods and workplaces? Imagine these ambassadors of the Good News, reflecting hope and bringing kingdom flourishing, as they live and work, grounded in an authentic lifestyle of excellence, integrity, and faith? What an opportunity!

At Scatter Global, we believe this is possible. That’s why, we are working to help reframe the idea of mission, so that every Jesus follower can see themselves fully and confidently participating in God’s kingdom story in the everyday moments of daily life. And in the process, inspiring and equipping many to do this globally.

Would you consider taking the very things that God has placed inside of you: the skills, passion, talent, experience you have; and put these to work in another part of the world where Jesus is less known? Would you be that first Jesus-follower someone meets?

Join us at Work + Go Manchester 2022 to hear more from Jonathan and others about what this might look like – whether in the UK or overseas.

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To find out more about Jonathan's work with Scatter Global check them out


Transformed people transform nations


The workplace is a (mission) field