
Our seminar streams are designed to equip you to live for Jesus in your sphere of cultural influence.

Each seminar focuses on a vocational sector, from social enterprise to media.

Lydia: Business

manufacturing & consulting

  • Most business professionals are employed by secular organisations whose corporate cultures usually discourage any public expressions of their Christian faith. Yet, do you know that you can still make an impact for Christ from within these organisations? Are you aware that if you are called and gifted to be entrepreneurs and business leaders, you have an incredible opportunity to shape the culture of your business? If you are or aspire to be a business owner, you can dedicate your business to God and submit your business to his purposes and strategies. Being a Christ-centered business is not about packing your employees into the conference room, playing worship music, and bringing in your pastor to preach to them. It’s not about transplanting local church service models into a business setting. Come along and discover how to cross cultures in the workplace and business world.

Esther: Government & Law

judicial, legislative, military

  • How do you demonstrate what it means to submit to God’s authority in his kingdom, while working for an imperfect and often frail government?

    How does working in the legal profession bring opportunities to co-create with God?

    This seminar will give you the opportunity to discover how two Christians with very different jobs have engaged with these questions and the challenges they have faced along the way. They'll share some of their joys and give you some practical suggestions to implement in your daily life.

Bezalel: Arts & Entertainment

design & branding, sports

  • Have you ever struggled to see how your passion as an artist, designer, musician, photographer or actor connects with your spiritual life?

    Yet being an active Christian in the arts presents extraordinary opportunities to point peers and audiences to Jesus.

    This seminar will give you the opportunity to hear from two Christians who have spent time thinking through these issues. They have learnt that they don't have to squeeze God into their creative endeavours or justify how they spend their time. They've seen how a perspective change has meant that they are now able to view every element of their art so that their Creator’s fingerprints become increasingly visible.

Priscilla: Digital & Media

developer & internet data analysis

  • In a competitive and constantly evolving industry, have you ever struggled to integrate your faith with your work?

    As a Christian working in the media, you have an incredible opportunity to stand up for truth, integrity and justice in a world crying out for God's love, grace and compassion. But how do you do that in and through your work?

    This seminar will explore how two individuals have used their skills and expertise to do just that. They will share some of the lessons they have learnt along the way as well as some they are still navigating.

    Come prepared to be challenged to consider how God can use you and your influence for his kingdom in and through your work.

Isaiah: Social Enterprise

nonprofits & civic organisations

  • Do you have a passion, an untapped idea or are you already working within a social enterprise?

    Join us as we hear from two Christians navigating the charity sector as followers of Jesus in different contexts. They will share their stories and reveal their passions and some of the challenges they have faced along the way.

    Come ready to be equipped to see how your faith can shape and challenge the status quo and impact your community and the world for positive change.

Luke: Education & Research

allied health & medicine

  • Education and science are two of the most powerful influences in our culture. So how do we live and speak for Jesus in these areas?

    Join us to be inspired and encouraged to persevere in being salt and light this significant sector.

    The relationship between these vocations and Christian faith is key to some of the big questions of life.

    Unfortunately, people still may think that science conflicts with belief in God and even some Christians see science as a threat, undermining faith. But we believe that science actually enhances our faith in God and helps us to make sense of the world in which we live.

    The co-leaders of this stream will share with you their stories of working in this field, and how they have been challenged to integrate their faith and beliefs into their work. They will share some of the joys they have experienced when they have been able to cross-cultural barriers and shape cultures within their workplaces. They will share with you some of the tools they have picked up along the journey and leave you feeling encouraged and inspired to continue to persevere as you run the race marked out for you.